Sunday, March 7, 2010

MAD Movement

Legislative Agenda:
(Mary Ann de los Santos)
House of Representative – Cebu City North District


With reasonable government regulation, honest and efficient government services, more entrepreneurs will be encouraged to do business and the existing business will prosper. To have made a contribution to the society is an adequate compensation for any good businessperson. However, we can also give incentives to businesses which employ a good number of our people and those which show serious and sincere commitment to their social responsibility,such as commitment to the environment and other social endeavors. In that way, we can be hitting 2 birds or several birds with one stone, so to speak.

Stimulate economic growth in the North district to create job opportunities. Bring big businesses to the North and support small business opportunities. Support small cottage industry which can be encouraged thru micro financing

Take a global perspective. Raise awareness of employment opportunities outside of the district by sponsoring job fairs.


Even when stripped of the Constitutional mandate, EDUCATION is everyone’s basic right. Everyone should have the opportunity to avail of a good education.

In a family, the big chunk of expenses is education. If we can have free education or one that is affordable because educational institutions are not taxed, would it not be great to have a big family.

One of the ways to make education affordable is not to tax the educational institutions as this will ultimately be passed on to the students and their parents. While the operation of schools should be regulated to prevent them from becoming profit-driven to the detriment of their students, but admittedly they are already performing services to the people and for this alone, they should be spared from tax increases to keep their tuition fees low.

We need a COMPREHENSIVE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM for everyone. Pre-school, Elementary, High School and College Education should be for free. You might ask? Can that be done? Yes, it can be done. The comprehensive educational program that I plan to bring to Congress if I become your Representative shall consider the individual circumstances, differences and choices.

For example, one may not have finished college for one reason or another and after ten or twenty-six years, desire to take up a college course, this opportunity should not be limited to those who can afford the expensive school bills or to those who aspire for high government positions and need the same for their resume. I believe even the ordinary individuals should be given that chance. The educational program I shall propose to Congress will offer a wide range of choices for individuals. E.g. Welders, Waiters-Have not finished High School.


I believe and I practice the tenet that Health is Life . I have witnessed the lack of health services. I have initiated an Out-Patient Clinic Program sponsored by my family in Cebu City’s North District. The thrust of which is education, prevention and early detection.

We need a COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE PROGRAM that caters to the needs of our people on a day to day basis. Our people deserve no less than the best health and medical care. Not only am I in favor of keeping the Cebu City Medical Center, I am pushing to make it a state of the art hospital. Why not? Don’t our people deserve the best? Why should our people be under the constant threat of closure of our government hospital because of the whims and caprices of our high officials. What has our high officials done to spare the people from these threats. The issue is not trivial. It is a matter of life and death. Again, this is a matter that is very important to me. Most members of my family are in the medical field. Life is precious and priceless, no matter what your station in life is. Whether you are the Mayor, a garbage collector, a driver, a policeman a professional, a businessperson, Life is sacred.

How many of us want to go to the doctor? Is it not true that we postpone going to the doctor until when we are an emergency case already and are dying? I propose a comprehensive health and medical care that will bring the doctors and nurses and health and medical service right at your doorsteps. Basic health services should be accessible, bringing it to your Barangay level such as establishing outpatient clinic not just in name but operational staff with nurses and doctors having basic medical equipement and supply. Yes, it can be done and it has been done. I have done projects in Lahug as a Barangay Captain, such as giving pneumonia vaccines to the senior citizens at their very own homes. With the help of volunteer doctors, nurses, civic conscious individuals, 500 senior citizens in Barangay Lahug were given pneumonia vaccines and protected against pneumonia for 5 years. Pneumonia is the no. 1 killer for old folks. How much did it cost the government? Can you make a guess? ZERO. The project was undertaken at no cost to the government. What did I do? I did caroling 1 christmas and I was able to rake P500k with God’s grace. I will encourage medical missions as I have done with the operation tuli in the north district which benefited 4,000 children again with no cost from the government coffers. I stand before you today to tell you that it can be done. The first step is to have a leader who truly and sincerely wants to make a difference. If and when elected, I shall knock on every doctor’s clinic, every nurses’ businessman’s and everyone’s doors, and ask to help us out and let us help each other. With God’s abundant grace, it can be done.


In May, 1991, When I was still a law student at the University of San Carlos, I represented the USC Lex Circle in the Second National Law Students Conference held at the Ateneo de Manila University in Loyola Heights, Quezon City. Among the laws discussed during the three day conference was Environmental Law. Our speaker was Atty. Antonio Oposa.

The threat of destruction to the environment, to our Mother Earth is real, harsh and imminent. Time is of the essence. Now more than ever, government must take immediate and adequate steps to protect the environment. We need an Environmental Law that will successfully address the problem and we must have no fear in implementing it.


Youth is a sector that is full of potentials. When guided properly and when given responsibility, their talents, abilities, and energies will be directed to help in nation-building.

When they are wayward or misguided, the youth can be a liability to the society. They injure or kill one another and commit offenses. I propose to develop Culture and the Arts and provide an avenue for the youth to hone their talents and abilities.

Instead of becoming delinquents, they can become actors, pianists, dancers, singers, and the list goes on and on.

My friends, you have what it takes to turn this country around and make it a country we can all be proud of. My friends, you can be heroes now, not just tomorrow.


I represent a small sector of women in government. Although that may be so, I have shown that women can do better in any work, position, or responsibility she is entrusted with. I believe that opportunity in government and in any field should be equal. Men and women are meant to be partners in any endeavor and as such, should work hand in hand.


Having come from the ranks of the lowliest public servants, as I have started my public service as Barangay Councilor in 1994, I understand the plight of my colleagues. They serve their constituents and yet, to most of them who have families, their honoraria are not even sufficient for their daily living. I propose to have benefits given to them for the education of their children, health and medicare care and insurance as they face the hazards day in day out.


I have witnessed the neglect of special population who are vulnerable such as Senior Citizen and the Children. I will be their voice and advocate to their needs..........(drug abuse, domestic violence, day care etc...)


The rights of the Urban Poor should be given due respect. With urbanization comes the social responsibility of the government to relocate those affected due to progress and development.
Long term plan of traffic congestion should be given due course harmoniously to the neighboring localities.

Population, crowding resulting to unsafe housing should be address in putting up measures that will protect the life and limb of settlers.


With all due respect, government’s solution is always the easy way out, population control, contraceptive methods. Again, I take this matter personally. If my parents were into contraceptive measures, I, being the 8th and youngest child in the family, would not have been born. There will be no Mary Ann de los Santos. What is wrong with having a big family if the parents are responsible parents who teach their children with the correct values? When these children grow up and become professionals and with the values taught by their parents, they will become assets to their communities.

I am a proud member of a big and happy family. Among the values, our parents taught us, is to love one another. Although our parents have died already, we have kept the values they have inculcated in us. We are there for each other.